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What's The Difference Between Being Alive and Truly Living?

Google’s definition of being alive is: having life, not dead, and still in existence. My definition of being alive is: simply consuming oxygen, having a pulse, not offering your gifts to the world, just going through the motions of routine, only ever operating from inside your comfort zone. The definition of truly living is: forgetting to breathe, living in bliss every single day, breaking your comfort zone and looking fear in the eyes and throwing your middle fingers up to it. Truly living is doing things that makes your heart race on a regular basis. Let's dive in on this on a much deeper level...

Google's definition of Bliss is:




perfect happiness; great joy.


reaching a state of perfect happiness, typically so as to be oblivious of everything else.

Bliss. Bliss. Bliss. Bliss. Bliss. Bliss. This has become a continuous mantra in my head that plays every single day. It's become so normalized to me, that living in bliss is a thoughtless action for me these days. My definition of the state of bliss is the feeling of uplifted consciousness, wholeness, feeling fully connected to yourself and all of creation, feeling at peace, even in times of chaos. Are you living in bliss? If your radically honest answer is yes, congratulations-- you are one of the very rare few on this Earth. If your answer is no, let's continue.

"When you finally learn how to live in a state of bliss, you then unlock your ability to live your dream life."

Now that you understand what it looks like to live in a state of bliss, let's dive deeper into the differences between being alive..and truly living.

Being Alive

“Being alive” is being comfortable.

"Being alive" is always staying inside your comfort zone.

“Being alive” is being stagnant.

“Being alive” is having a pulse.

"Being alive" is never seeking further knowledge.

"Being alive" is saying "why would I?"

"Being alive" is counting every breath.

"Being alive" is living every day in fear of "what could happen."

"Being alive" is just going through the motions every day.

“Being alive” is waking up at 85 years old and wishing you would have truly lived. It's having a list of a thousand "I should haves" at the end of your life.

""Being alive" is waking up at 85 years old wishing you would have truly lived. It's having a list of a thousand "I should haves" at the end of your life."

Truly Living

"Truly living" is breaking your comfort zone.

"Truly living" is having a racing heart.

"Truly living" is understanding the importance of lifelong learning and applying it to your life.

"Truly living" is saying "why not?"

"Truly living" is forgetting to breathe.

"Truly living" is looking fear in the eye and throwing your middle fingers up at it.

"Truly living" is being fully present in each moment that passes.

"Truly living" is turning 85 years old and being so happy that you don't have any "I should haves" because you spent your entire life living outside of your comfort zone doing things that made your heart race.

"Truly living" is turning 85 years old and being so happy that you don't have any "I should haves" because you spent your entire life living outside of your comfort zone doing things that made your heart race."

I had a dear friend who, at the age 28 was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. After he was diagnosed, he organized a fundraiser for himself called: "My Last Adventure" so that he could take a trip and fulfill at least a couple things on his "bucket list." On this trip, he went sky diving and parasailing. He did a couple of things he wanted to do before he passed away. He ended up passing away one day after he returned home from his bucket list trip.

I had another dear friend who, on her 23rd birthday was a passenger in a fatal car accident. She had a big heart with big dreams. One moment, she was sitting there in the car laughing and talking with the others and in the next moment, she was taking her last breath. She passed away on the scene of the accident. Everyone else in the car survived.

Why am I telling you these stories?

You see, my 28 year old friend was notified that his time was coming to an end. He got the chance to do a couple things that were on his bucket list before passing away. My 23 year old friend wasn't given a warning that her time was coming to an end. She didn't get to do any of the things she had on her bucket list. She was so young and thought she had so much life ahead of her.

She thought.

That's the thing about life. Most people sit, walk, laugh, talk, cry, and scream, thinking and expecting that they will draw another breath from their lungs in the next moment. Expecting breaths to be endless is a non-reality. We are all going to die someday. It could be the next second, the next minute, the next hour, the next day, the next week, the next month, the next year, the next decade or eight decades from now. So my question to you is this:

Why Wait? Why wait learning how to "truly live?"

What kind of life do you want to live? Do you want to live the kind of life where you wait until you're told you're going to die, to start checking things off your bucket list? Do you want to live the kind of life where you have a bucket list without anything crossed off because you're so young and feel that you have your whole life ahead of you to cross everything off? Or do you want to live the kind of life that if the next moment passed and you were drawing your last breath, you would exhale in peaceful surrender because you lived each and every moment here on this Earth like it was your last?

"Choose to learn how to live the kind of life that if the next moment passed and you were drawing your last breath, you would exhale in peaceful surrender because you lived each and every moment here on this Earth like it was your last."

To learn how to "truly live," click here. I offer the first month of coaching for free to all my clients. No contracts or cancellation fees. Let's get you started truly living, now-- because now is all we have.

"What do you have to lose, except for the rest of your life?"

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