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Why Should I Become a Minimalist?

Every day that my husband and I are out, we have at least one person say “are you guys getting married today?!”

When we say: “no,” they all respond the same way: “well why are you dressed like that then?”

Our response is always the same: “we are minimalists. We only kept our 7 favorite outfits, so we dress like this every day.”

Their response is always the same: “wow, that’s amazing. I could NEVER do that.”

And they’re right…they could NEVER do it with the current state of their mind in the moment of saying that.

The reality is this: Anyone CAN do it. But you can only do it when you fully believe that you CAN. The thoughts that we have and the words that we speak create our present realities.

If you believe you can’t do it, you are right.

If you believe you can do it; you are also right.

They key in life is remaining open. . .

Open to becoming.

Open to change.

Open to evolving into a version of yourself that inspires others every single day.

When you say you can’t do something, you are closing the energy flow of allowance.

When you say you can do something, you are keeping the energy flow of allowance, growth, and change, open.

There was a time in my life that I had an entire walk-in closet stuffed full of clothes and shoes. I would walk in and immediately become flooded with anxiety and overwhelm.

The thoughts going through my head were:

“How did this happen?”

“Why is it that I stand here in my closet for 30 minutes and still can’t come to a decision on what I should wear today?”

“What is my style?”

“Do I even have any favorites?”

I was all over the place with my clothing choices. I didn’t have a “look.” I wanted to figure out how to adopt a style. A style that had my name all over it every day.

The reason I had a closet full of clothes with “nothing to wear” was because:

  1. I was swinging blindly. How can you ever accomplish what you want in life without a hard copy vision of exactly what you want?! I’d never sat down and created a vision board of styles that felt aligned with who I am.

  2. I bought multitudes of clothes that were on sale instead of buying 7 outfits that were my absolute favorite regardless of the price.

  3. I hadn’t yet learned about how becoming a minimalist transforms your life in all the best ways.

  4. I hadn’t written down how many clothes that I actually need.

Fast forward to meeting my now husband:

He was a minimalist when we met.

He had cracked the code on freedom.

He wasn’t weighed down mentally, physically, or emotionally to “stuff.”

He also worked for himself so he could work anywhere in this world.

He was so free that all of his belongings fit into a backpack.

Both of these things allowed him to travel internationally anytime and stay for as long as he wanted.

I was so awestruck by the way he operated in this world.

I knew that if I wanted to travel the world with him, that I needed to go through the growing pains of getting rid of everything I didn’t actually NEED in order to experience what this life is all about. Exploring this grand world with those you love most.

Everything we own takes up mental and physical space and most of the time we don’t even realize how much it’s impacting our day-to-day life.

Our brains are constantly subconsciously taking inventory of everything we own.

There’s a reason why some of the most successful people in this world are minimalists.

There’s a reason why some of these people I speak about such as: Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Andy Warhol, Richard Branson, Giorgio Armani, Tom Ford, Sebastian Law (just to name a few) wore/wear a “uniform” every day.

Walking into your closet with only a few high quality items and being able to just grab and go thoughtlessly because every item is your favorite, allows your brain to fully focus on whatever dream it is you’re chasing without any interruption or distraction.

Do you want to learn how to declutter your house and your closet to live in an environment that brings you feelings of peace, joy, freedom, and revitalization rather than dread, stress, and stagnation?

If so, I highly recommend you read: The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Mari Kondo.

Mari Kondo recommends: tackling your stuff category-by-category rather than room-by-room.

There are 6 basic rules to get started:

  1. Commit yourself to tidying up.

  2. Imagine your ideal lifestyle. Then write it down.

  3. Finish discarding first. Before getting rid of items, sincerely thank each item for serving its purpose.

  4. Tidy by category, not location.

  5. Follow the right order.

  6. Ask yourself it it sparks joy.

AND 5 categories to tackle:

  1. Clothes

  2. Books

  3. Papers

  4. Komono (a.k.a. Miscellaneous Items)

  5. Sentimental Items

Note that you'll want to finish one category before moving onto the next one.

Because you're actively choosing items that spark joy, and discarding, donating, or selling what doesn't, the intention of the KonMari method is to end up with a clutter-free home that is better able to bring more joy, freedom, and prosperity to your life.

While tidying, she encourages you to visualize the life you want to have more freedom, for example — and what you need to do to get there.

Most people go through their entire lives saving their favorite outfits for special events.

My question to you is this:

Why not treat every day that you wake up as a special day, a special event?

Why not keep and wear ONLY your favorites?

I’d love to help you transform your life and become a minimalist.

I offer the first month of coaching to my clients for free.

No contracts or cancellation fees.

Head over to my offerings page here to get started!

I look forward to supporting and coaching you.

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